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  • The bell

    I’ve got a cold. Just as I thought I was in the clear, and had missed getting my daughter’s illness, it descended. So it goes. As I was dragging myself along, getting…

  • The bottom line

    All of the Commence pieces now have their camouflage people done and I’m just finalizing the main characters on the last few. Here’s a strange truth: I’ve never actually create a single,…

  • What I should be doing

    Just wanted to paint today, so that is what I’ve been doing, even though I really should be updating my website and dealing with other technical stuff. The computer never really has…

  • Rhubarb, rhubarb, rhubarb

    I finally got my frozen rhubarb in the mail today! Actually, it was my Plywerk panels – not as good in pie but perfect for my new Wood & Water letterpress prints.…

  • A great part of my job

    I was lucky enough to get to spend a couple of hours over at Logos Graphics today, having my letterpress guru, Lars, turn these letterpress plates: Into these prints: On the Heidelberg:…