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  • eye crosswalk

    Found #8 and progress

    Here is another great piece of public art, an eyeball and ginkgo crosswalk at Octavia and Linden Streets. Look familiar? And in the studio I just finished the first layers of my…

  • Found #7 and calm

    I visited the de Young last week and got to rediscover this gem that’s free to the public in the far corner of the sculpture garden: James Turrell’s “Three Gems.” If you…

  • Found #6

    I was lucky enough to run across Ruth Asawa’s fountain in downtown San Francisco recently. Located on Stockton between Post and Sutter Streets, I find something new every time I look at…

  • Still fine

    Now that I am looking more consciously, it feels like I see art everywhere. This one at Duboce Park made me laugh: I am also going to “find” lots of art tonight…

  • Found #5

    Yesterday I was helping out over at Root Division, an amazing arts organization who is having to move due to crazy rent increases (I think it was something like 250% in their…

  • Attachment and Found #4

    I had to rethink a lot of things in the studio this week. For example, I have been secretly working on this project that involves knitting typewriter ribbon, but after a number…

  • Found #3

    Discovered this tucked away in Linden alley, between Gough and Franklin Streets, behind the SF Jazz Center. It begins: “As Ted would say, Let them go to Heaven, Or let them go…

  • Found #2

    I love this LIZ (Living Innovation Zone) created by the Exploratorium on Market Street at Yerba Buena Lane. In my opinion, these are some of the most successful pieces of public art…

  • Found #1

    I won’t lie. Sometimes I really do get caught up in the post dot com San Francisco angst and complain about missing the good old days (which for me means 20 years…