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  • A fresh eye

    I have been struggling a bit to hold onto my tiny studio schedule, but I am holding on, and so grateful to be able to do so! Above you can see the…

  • The delicious burdens

    Phew. My new series is done, and I even found a title for it: Fathom. Have I mentioned how much I haaaate creating arty talk to go with my work, i.e., an…

  • Things hold

    First, let me start by saying that everyone in my family is currently perfectly healthy. However, last week I had a mammogram that came up with some suspicious findings. I have a…

  • Trying

    Last week I was really struggling with the background people for this piece. It felt so close! But when I went back to it this week, it still wasn’t right, and having…

  • Not perfect

    Last week I didn’t post because I finally remembered it was Friday…on Saturday. So, yes, I’d say I was a little jet-lagged thanks to a long flight delay and then landing back…

  • The bottom line

    All of the Commence pieces now have their camouflage people done and I’m just finalizing the main characters on the last few. Here’s a strange truth: I’ve never actually create a single,…

  • Fortunately

    I am sad and tired. And I admit it, it’s my own fault. It’s because I decided I deserved to get into an exhibition I entered, with hundreds of artists vying for…

  • It ain’t broke

    This was one of those weeks where I had to drag myself through my routine. Everything felt harder than usual. And after a few days, it wasn’t getting better; it was actually…

  • The last splinter

    Phew, there was a lot of moving little wooden people around this week. First peeling these tapes with paint on them off the canvas and matching them to their wooden silhouettes. Then…