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  • Why you should hide your graduate degree and burn your artist statement

    I was recently re-reading some of art critic Dave Hickey’s hilariously titled Air Guitar, a book of essays on “art and democracy.” If you are an artist or just interested in art…

  • The red hand

  • World peace

    Today I spent four hours painting this little yellow/white section. Recently I have been thinking about my career choices and specifically about my current direction as an artist. Sitting back, looking at…

  • Slowly

    It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. -Confucius

  • Something simple

    Even after all of these years it still amazes me how easy it is to get distracted when I first go into the studio. To find something to clean, someone I really…

  • The boats

    Getting ready to draw the first round of images on all of these new pieces and revisiting some of my recent drawings for Wood & Water.

  • Seed pattern

    Here is the start of one of the new pieces. Lots going on. A detail of one of the most fun, messy bits. Thus far I keep focusing on this guy, so…

  • Being done

    I think this might actually be done, which would be a nice surprise. I will let it sit for a day or two and see if it continues to feel resolved. It…

  • Latex and oil on linen

    I started painting again in early January and now have about 16 pieces in progress. I’ve decided to begin each piece with latex, something I had started doing with my last series,…

  • Blog coming soon…