Flag it

Apologies for the image being missing from my last post. Sadly, the app I use was malfunctioning. But the image is there now if you want to check it out.

That piece and the other panels are now all done (okay, a couple still need touch up glue). I like them, even though they are a pretty big departure for me stylistically.


I have always joked that my professional name should be Group Show, since I tend to veer off in many different directions. But I am actually glad to have these complete. I was getting excited to get back to oil painting when I discovered that…my next step will be painting a flag!

Madeline Behrens-Brigham from the Hayes Valley Art Coalition notified me of this opportunity to paint a flag that would hang at 540 Laguna Street between Hayes and Oak (where they previously had many country’s flags for the World Cup). I gladly took her up on it, and so next week I will be focusing on creating a flag from this:


Wish me luck! My flag will join 21 other flags created by artists right here in Hayes Valley and will be up at least through the end of September and possibly beyond.

Finally, the current exhibition at 580 Hayes will be closing this weekend on August 17. There will be a closing reception from 5 to 7 p.m. (sadly, I won’t be able to make this one).

I will also be included in the next exhibition at 580 Hayes, Act One, Scene Two, which will open Friday, August 22nd, and will be up through Sunday, September 28th. They have extended the gallery hours, so 580 Hayes will now be open Tuesday through Sunday from 10-6.

10% of all proceeds from these exhibitions goes to the Hayes Valley Art Coalition to help fund the public sculptures at Patricia’s Green, so besides wanting to sell you art for my own selfish reasons it has a great benefit to the community as well.

I hope you get a chance to swing by and perhaps run into these charming artists:

That’s me and the irrepressible and talented Jose A. Guzman Colon, another artist in the show and one of the many reasons I am happy to be part of it.

Art, neighbors who become friends, community. Some of the best stuff, in my opinion, and I hope you get to enjoy at least one of those this weekend!


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